What You Need for Smooth Skin

Which Foods Should You Avoid?

Women should consume foods that contain high and quality proteins. Fish, turkey and chicken are among the foods that contain high quality proteins. Unsaturated oils should be preferred instead of saturated fats. Olive oil, corn and soy unsaturated oils. Care should be taken to be fed with green vegetables and 8-12 glasses of water should be drunk a day. Eight hours of sleep a day should be avoided and alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

Mask For Wrinkles

With the advancement of age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and elasticity, which is a natural process that comes with age. Factors such as excessive sun exposure, smoking, living a life away from sports, living a stressful life, irregular diet cause premature aging of the skin. First of all, avoiding the factors that cause premature aging and then applying special recipes to skin wrinkles can prevent premature aging.  

The mask made with egg white and flower honey is good for skin wrinkles. Egg white and flower honey are mixed together and applied to the skin. The mixture will dry on the skin after a while and it is waited for twenty minutes after drying. Finally, the mask is washed off with warm water and it is necessary to apply this mask regularly twice a week.

Another application of special recipes for skin wrinkles is made with apple and cream. After an apple is peeled, it is crushed by passing it through a mixer with three spoons of cream. The mixture will have a creamy consistency and is rubbed into the skin. When the mixture is applied to the skin, it should be covered with a cloth and wait 15 minutes. Finally, the mask is cleaned by washing with warm water and this application should be applied once or twice a week.  

It may be surprising to hear that there is a link between nutrition and skin wrinkles. Foods that cause rapid rise in blood sugar have the effect of accelerating the aging process. Sugar, white flour, pasta, and potatoes are among the simple carbohydrates that cause blood sugar to rise rapidly. Calogens are adversely affected in people who eat carbohydrates and sugars. These are substances that give the skin elasticity and tension, and their negative effects increase the aging rate. The skin of women starts to age and wrinkle earlier than men, so it is necessary to apply special recipes to skin wrinkles for women .