Did you know that at least 7 out of 10 people in Turkey have vitamin D deficiency, which is considered a global epidemic? Vitamin D is an important vitamin that is involved in many reactions in our metabolism, but also the hormone. Why is vitamin D important? What are the symptoms of the deficiency? How do I upgrade?
The role of vitamin D
- Vitamin D is in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, supporting healthy bones and teeth. It is very effective in the prevention of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
- Vitamin D is an antioxidant vitamin and is in charge of strengthening immunity. It protects the body from many diseases, such as flu and colds.
- It is very valuable for a healthy pregnancy and in-baby period.
- Contributes to insulin levels and diabetes management.
- It supports the health of the brain and nervous system, regulating mood and reducing the risk of depression. Causes of vitamin D deficiency
- Inething the Sun: The biggest cause of the deficiency is the lack of sufficient contact with UVB rays taken from the Sun.
- Having dark skin tone: As the skin color becomes darker, less vitamin D is produced in the body compared to individuals with light skin color.
- Indoor living: During the day, those who live in closed areas for most of their time are inadequat because they are less exposed to the Sun, the main source of vitamin D.
- Obesity: Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
- Fatigue, weakness and lack of energy
- Bone and back pain
- Mood disorders and susceptibility to depression
- Hair loss and dilation
- Muscle pain and cramps
- Slower weight loss or insurmposition
- Frequent headache
Cold and insurmpathy show that obese individuals experience more vitamin D deficiency.
Sources of vitamin D – Vitamin D is rare in nutrients and the only vitamin whose main source is the Sun. The best sources when viewed nutritionally; fish, eggs, meat, liver, milk and dairy products, butter, parsley, sweet potatoes, oats and mushrooms. But it is not possible to get enough vitamin D with food alone. By eating adequately and balancedly, you can support both your vitamin D levels and your health. Vitamin D deficiency treatment – Treatment includes nutrition, supplementary suplements and exposure to sunlight and taking vitamin D. At this point, you can proceed in the most appropriate way by consulting your doctor. Sunlight and vitamin D make our body resistant to diseases and infections.