When Is The Right Season For Tomato?

Tomato is the material we look for the most in winter. Of course, we can preserve the sauce of the best tomatoes we find at the end of the summer, or we can make tomato paste, but freezing is also a way. Scratch the tip of the tomato, boil it whole for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, let it cool and peel off the skin. You can freeze it whole in a tray or container.

Eggplant does not come for ice cream as it contains high water content. Either in the form of rings or strips and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. After it cools down, place it between non-stick papers and freeze. If you are going to use the eggplant as a puree later, you can roast it whole or cook it in the oven and then freeze it after puree.

The best way to freeze summer pepper is to cut it into strips and then stack them on a tray and freeze them.

Opinions on the issue of beans are divided. While the vast majority argue that it is necessary to blanch and freeze, some are in favor of ice cream. We prefer the second, more practical method.

The best way to freeze green leaves such as purslane and lamb’s ears is to cook and puree. If you attempt to freeze it as it is, the result will be a dark green, tasteless mass.