Where Is Professional Bakers?

New Talents to Professional Kitchens
Gastronometro, which has made great contributions to the sector with its studies in the field of education, provided the subject of Geographical Marked Products to the curriculum of approximately 65 thousand students studying in the field of food technology and food and beverage services in vocational and technical schools within the scope of its cooperation with the Ministry of Education. The goal is to reach 650 thousand students in 10 years. In this context Turkey’s 50 instructors from all sides, were given theoretical and practical training in Gastronometro on Geographical marked products.
In Gastronometro, which also provides Horeca trainings consisting of practical and theoretical contents to metro employees and industry professionals, a total of 240 training programs have been organized and 1,920 hours of training have been given so far. Approximately 3,400 people were reached in these trainings. It promotes Turkish cuisine in the world by hosting international organizations.
In addition to these, Gastronometro also participates in the Sirha Fair, which brings together the professionals of the Horeca sector with the world’s leading chefs and sector employees, and provides material and preparation support for the European qualifiers for the Bocuse d’Or Chefs Competition, which is considered as the Oscars of the chef world. Providing training to Turkish chefs on advanced culinary techniques and innovative recipes with the participation of famous chefs from Basque Culinary Center, one of the most prestigious culinary arts schools in the world, Gastronometro is also among the sponsors of Gastromasa, one of the most important organizations in the international gastronomy world.

Gastronometro, the meeting center of chefs, has been building a bridge between the national and international gastronomy world by hosting internationally recognized chefs, including Michelin star chefs, in the last two years. The center, which has brought together 17 master chefs, 6 of which are Michelin-starred, with 1,500 industry professionals so far, holds special workshops for Metro customers and business partners with the participation of these award-winning chefs.