Which Skin Type Are You?

  • In fact, every person’s skin type is unique to the person, just like fingerprints. It has no equal. However, it is possible to make a certain grouping by looking at the general characteristics of the skin such as oil condition, moisture content and thinness. With such classifications, it may be easier to know the general features of your skin and understand its needs.


  • Dry skin means skin with reduced moisture content. Dry skin type is often structural, but it can also occur as a result of using inappropriate washing products such as soap. Dryness manifests itself in the form of scaling, tightness, roughness and itching on the skin. In addition, dry skin wrinkles prematurely and lines due to aging are more pronounced in the dry skin.


  • It is the skin type that most bothers the person in daily life and where skin problems such as acne occur most frequently. Although you wash your skin and go to bed at night, if you touch your skin as soon as you wake up in the morning, if you get oil almost everywhere, you have oily skin. Although oily skin is most common in adolescents, many factors such as various hormonal changes, environmental factors, and diet can cause oily skin.


  • Combination skin is when some part of the face is dry and some part is oily. Generally, while the cheeks are dry, excessive fat is seen in the forehead, nose and chin area called ‘T’ zone. It requires a much richer care as it shows the characteristics of two different skin types. The important point in the care of this skin type is to remove excess oil and not dry the skin.


  • As the name suggests, this skin type, which is very sensitive, causes a lot of trouble to the person and requires careful care like baby skin. Dry, oily or combination skin can also be sensitive. Because sensitivity is not related to the oil or moisture balance of the skin. Sensitive skin type most often complains of rash. All kinds of environmental factors such as heat, cold, sun, stress, weather changes can cause sudden rashes on the skin.