Why Is My Hair Falling?

Unknown cause of my hair?

It should be said that hair loss is natural. But of course reasonable quantities of 50 to 100 hairs per day is that hair loss is a normal process for renewal, said experts. Pinch pinch your hand but when you put it in the palm of your hand like it’s the hair, or after each bath if they shed the place is full with your hair, something’s wrong. You need to take precautions against hair loss.

Well, what are the causes of hair loss?

Could it be that you aren’t getting enough protein?

In addition to being one of the major points of the pyramid nutrition Protein helps the production of new hair. Notice that you are getting protein at every meal. According to a study in America, protein deficiency may increase your hair loss and hair growth slows down. Again, in this study, it says that you should take Protein 46 g per day women. You can get protein from a variety of foods, not just meat. For example, we suggest that you consume more legumes.

Hair loss iron deficiency accelerates

Make sure you are getting enough iron in your diet from foods that contain necessarily. If iron deficiency may cause hair loss hair loss if you say has recently increased. Women between the ages of 19 to 50 mg per day to 8 mg of iron per day and 51 women over the age of 18 should take that transmits experts. Your doctor will decide how much iron intake and supplements that you need to drug, but against hair loss iron-rich foods with a diet make sure to eat.

Are you under stress?

From intense hair loss hair loss can exacerbate the problem. How to prevent hair loss from stress if you say ” first of all, you must get to the source of the distressing issue. Thinking that this period is temporary care to provide more support than ever before in your hair and in your diet, we recommend.

Negative effects on the health of your hair using the wrong products!

The use of inappropriate hair care products your hair can cause hair loss. Shampoo, conditioner, Hair Care Oil, Hair styling products when choosing we recommend you to choose the ones that suit your hair type. There are many different brands of hair care products that promised to do wonders for your hair. Try to choose natural products that clean but you the content. In this way, they can take action against hair loss.

Hair styling your hair with heat aids in the dumps?

With frequent use of hair styling tools such as curling irons or hair straighteners damage your hair and high heat loss. These appliances before you use less often and using it we recommend that you use a protective product.

Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy leads to numerous changes in your body. Because your estrogen levels are changing your hair loss. During pregnancy and after the birth but the hair you have lost, you can be sure that you can make in a short time back.