Winter 5 Rules You Need To Be Careful When Doing Makeup!

During the winter months, during the summer months more makeup than we do. The sun and the warm air that gave our skin a little more because we lost the brightness for a vivid and bright skin with makeup we cuddle. Today we will share with you 5 rules you need to be careful when doing your makeup with winter.

Don’t Forget To Hydrate Your Skin!

Our entire body is what needs the most is water. No matter how much skin you have, your skin needs moisture. Especially during the winter, with the effect of cold air and strong winds, and moisture to protect the skin itself increases the need for takes. Especially before makeup your skin with a moisturizer that suits your skin type nemlendirirs if every makeup product you use will wear out much less and your skin will look much better.


Use products that suit your skin type!

Skin type, mixed, oily or dry. Foundation for every skin, but may not create the same effect on each. The foundation that you use in the summer during the winter months won’t make your skin better. Dec lubrication can even cause dryness or even Dec. So the product you choose are appropriate for your skin type and your skin, you should note that your structure.

Use A Makeup Base!

A base for the makeup in the winter months is a very important step. Skin or some of the makeup that you use for your eye makeup, makeup water, wind, and will allow you to be better prepared for sudden weather changes. You can choose the effect you want to create a product according to your skin base. But do not forget to use a moisturizer when using these types of products.


Face Care Spray!

Skin makeup, if you do, variable air temperatures can also upset the balance of your skin. The moisturizer you use in the morning, at noon, you may lose the effect. Changing air temperatures quickly dries out your skin, sudden, or may. For this, you should keep that help protect your skin’s moisture balance with a facial from the spray. Freshen up even more to make permanent makeup or makeup, these types of products you can choose.


Protect your lips!

Your lips can begin to dry out and crack in the cold weather. The trend of matte lipstick your lips to dry out even more, especially when’s the last time can cause. Quickly moisturize dry lips, your lips thoroughly and if so, if you have dry, you should not use lipsticks. Your lipstick to last from a few minutes ago, definitely don’t forget to drive a protective moisturizer for your lips!