Wok Or Saucepan

Add Dumplings and Steam
Placing frozen dumplings in steamer basket.
Putting lid on steamer basket.
Add your dumplings, then set the steamer on top of a wok or a saucepan that just fits underneath it filled with about one inch of water. Cover the steamer and bring the water to a hard boil. Steam the dumplings until cooked through, about 10 minutes if going directly from the freezer.

Want Crispy Dumplings? Use the Classic Steam-Fry
The steam-fry or potsticker technique is the classic method for Japanese gyoza or Chinese guo tie. Essentially, you fry the frozen dumplings, then add water to the pan and cover them to steam through, then fry them again once the water evaporates. This double-frying creates an extra-crisp bottom crust.

The instructions on the back of a bag of frozen dumplings often skip the initial fry in the way of convenience, but it’s worth taking the time if you’re going to use this method.