You Will Have On Your What You Eat

A study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health revealed that some dairy products trigger acne formation in a study on dairy products. It shows that hormones and bioactive molecules in some dairy products also cause acne formation.
It is known that foods containing hormones used to increase milk production in cows and the residues of these hormones pass to humans through milk. These hormone residues can cause inflammation and acne rash on the skin, clogging pores and allowing bacteria to grow on the skin , causing an increase in sebum (oil) production. This causes your skin to shine.

Consuming too much sugary foods can cause various health problems. At the same time, consumption of sugary foods is thought to cause acne flare-up. Excessive sugar consumption causes blood sugar levels to rise, and this hormone stimulates insulin production. The level of insulin in the blood can increase, leading to increased sebum production and insulin resistance, which improves acne symptoms .
Instead, refined sugar, coffee with sweetener, organic honey or coconut can meet your needs sugar with coconut sugar.

 The glycemic index shows how quickly carbohydrates enter the bloodstream. For example , eating foods with a high glycemic index, such as pasta , causes inflammation , excessive insulin formation and thus causes a sudden increase in blood sugar.
Pasta, white bread and potatoes are among the foods with the highest glycemic index.

Keeping a food diary to see if your skin shine is related to the foods you eat will help you distinguish the foods that cause glare on your skin . You can supplement your
diet with healthy fats such as fish oil with anti- inflammatory properties. Some studies are thought to increase the occurrence of acne with fish oil supplements. Follow a
low glycemic loaded diet. With a low glycemic loaded diet, the symptoms of acne can be eliminated and it can help reduce acne.

Although the relationship between diet and acne is still being studied, studies reveal a tight link between food and acne.
Consuming plenty of sugar-containing foods can seriously damage your skin.