Your Hair Does Not Grow Fast? See why?

Every woman wants to have long, lush, silky and healthy hair. Well-groomed hair is the dream of every woman in the past. Hair growth or slow growth is a common problem for women. Here are the reasons for these situations;


A large part of human life passes with stress. Unfortunately, this situation also affects our hair. Stress, sadness and distress cause your hair to be both shed and grow late. The best method you can do is to stay away from stress and people or environments that put you in stress.

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamins and minerals such as protein, biotin , B12 have an important role in our hair health as well as in our hair growth or loss. If you have such a complaint, you should definitely apply to an internal medicine specialist and have a vitamin test as soon as possible.


One of the main reasons why your hair grows late is its genetics. If your mother or father also has problems such as hair growth or loss, you may be benefiting in this situation.


We encounter many harms of malnutrition in our daily life. One of them is the inability of hair to grow and fall out. For this, we must eat healthy. For example , you should stay away from fast food and market foods. You need to have a healthier and protein-based diet. For example, it is necessary to consume milk and dairy products, foods such as meat and fish regularly. Consumption of fruits and vegetables, nuts such as walnuts and almonds will also help you with hair growth and loss.

Smoking and Alcohol Use

Your hair follicles are fed by capillaries. However, smoking and alcohol addiction causes the veins in the extremities of a human body to shrink and food does not go to those areas. For this reason, the skin of smokers cannot be fed and their skin is pale. Smoking and alcohol are also among the factors that play a major role in hair growth and loss. In this case, all you have to do is give up these bad habits.

Washing the wrong hair

Many people are not familiar with hair washing. However, washing the hair incorrectly causes hair growth and loss. We should wash the hair with warm water, without spilling much shampoo and from the ends to the bottom.