6 Expert Tips for a Better Life

1 – Think first to improve

  • Start thinking first to improve. Consider thinking. Take a break from whatever you are doing and focus on improvement. Think about what you want, why you call improvement. Consider evaluating your experiences in your own memory, your own perception and your own memory. Going deep here will open up many thoughts to you.

2 – Be curious and investigate

  • After thinking deeply and thoroughly, start to wonder and move on to research with this curiosity. Wondering is exciting, curiosity is required to learn new things. Wonder and research what you need in the development steps.

3 – Learn to learn

  • Learning is important to keep improving. Find out how you must learn to improve. Ask yourself; Learn your own learning process with questions such as how do I learn better, how do I learn, and what should I learn. Because everyone is different and the way everyone learns is also different.

4 – Set your expectations

  • With development, change will occur. So what do you expect from this development? You will see your expectations from development in the common point of your answers and your needs. Once you’ve set your expectations, you can start looking at your goals.

5 – Set your goals and make plans

  • All you have done up to this step are very important steps for your development and the stages that bring you the data that will enable you to clarify and make your goals tangible. You should shape your goals with your expectations that will meet your needs and make a plan that suits you. Being unplanned is like a journey without a map. 6 – Take action • No action, no result! At this stage, you are ready for the journey of development and you set out, then go ahead and take action. Take the first step and the second will follow. Check your actions every day according to your plans and observe the results.