6 Ways To Combine Rugs – How To Use Rugs In The Same Room?

How To Combine Carpet?

The effect of carpets in decoration cannot be denied. We have brought together 6 practical ways of combining carpets for you. Let’s explore ways to make nice arrangements by using different or the same type of carpets together. Open-plan spaces have great appeal. Due to the small number of walls, there is usually a very good flow between the spaces and natural daylight illuminates the interior much more.


Since the eyes can see many areas at once in such a space, it is necessary to be more careful in choosing the furniture and especially the carpets. Because after the wall color, the floor is the element that creates the most visual impact in a space due to the size it covers. If you want to use natural wool Moroccan rugs with gray, brown lozenge pattern or graphic pattern plain weave rugs, you may need many carpets to cover the floor. Carpet has a great effect on decoration.


If a space has more than one living space (dining, sitting area, etc.), you may need to use different types of carpets together to complete this arrangement, and it may not always be that easy to use different types of carpets in the same space. If you are confused about this, this article can be a guide for you.


1- Create a visual effect by blending carpets of different textures

If you are going to use different types of carpets together, you can choose from those that are compatible with each other. However, if you want to take your design capability further, you should go beyond this and find pieces that complement each other instead of compatible preferences. For example, if one carpet is patterned, the other can be much more textural. Or, in the living room, when using a tan and black geometric tile pattern under the dining table, a knitted carpet with one of the colors of the tile carpet in front of the sofa in the living area can create a pleasant combination.

2- Try differentiating the sizes of the patterns. You can create variety in the patterns of different carpets in a room. When you choose a large scale pattern on one, you can proceed with small prints on the other. For example, large-scale Aztec-inspired wool rugs in linear style in silver and ivory tones can provide integrity, as the line pattern is graphic, but has fine lines.

3- If in doubt, make sure that all carpets are from the same color family. You can use carpets in the same room. A common color transition between multiple rugs will help unify the space. The key point for many carpets to look great together: Although each of the carpet patterns are in different sizes, the colors should be almost the same. By providing different pattern densities, balance can be maintained and a basic unity can be achieved.

4- If you want to create a remarkable effect, double the different style ratio. Even though it is quite difficult to use completely different carpets side by side, never say “these two carpets never go side by side”. You can create a different effect in the room by using an eclectic style. If you have nice features in the main lines of the space, such as the original floor coverings, large windows, high ceilings, your job will be much easier. Nice furniture in a modern style will also not cause you trouble for this style.

5- Use one carpet twice if necessary You may be skeptical of using the same two rugs, but if you have two chat rooms, why not consider using the same carpet twice? Although this choice, which does not carry too much risk, is a safe step, it will not have a much positive effect. If you have decided to use two rugs, choose neutral tones to avoid being too glaring. Note that two identical rugs or styles with dense patterns will make the look sultry.

6- Do not hesitate to use a carpet with an odd shape and size. If the rugs are of different shapes or sizes, you can get a more interesting look and prevent your flooring from competing with each other. When using carpets of different sizes and colors / patterns on top of each other, attention should be paid to the similarity in the texture of the carpets. A round carpet can work well when used with many carpets at the same time. In this type of arrangement, you can decide according to the size of the room and the area you are trying to determine.