8 Hours of Effort

The tradition of Ramadan Keskek, which has been kept alive for centuries in Iskilip district of Çorum, continues. It is an indispensable part of the iftar meals in Ramadan. While the Keskek bakeries in every neighborhood of İskilip continue to witness this tradition, there is great interest in the bakeries during the iftar hour. Social distance is especially emphasized this year in the keşkek bakeries, which have overflowed in recent years.

Included in UNESCO’s “intangible cultural heritage” list, the 8-hour flavor journey ends at iftar tables. Iskilip Keşkek no longer know almost all of Turkey’s reputation. Keskek, one of the special dishes of İskilip, is the second longest-cooked local dish of the city after the famous İskilip Dolması. I wish it attracts so much attention for bakery owners. Keskek bakeries, which work one month a year, try to provide all kinds of opportunities to their customers to close this month in the most profitable way.

Stating that I wish is one of the sine qua non for İskilip, the educator Sabri Çiçekci said that this should be considered as a food culture.

Expressing that İskilip has a very rich and different food culture, Çiçekci said, “İskilip’s meals are cooked for a very long time. For example, our famous dolphin takes 12-13 hours. We wish from morning until evening. The baklava, which will come after this, is cooked again from evening to morning. İskilip Keskeği is unlike many of the food types in Anatolia and the district. In many provinces and districts in our region, there is keskek production. But we wish it was very different, ”he said.