9 Expert Opinions That Every Parent Should Know

  • We cannot make children behave better by making them feel bad.
  • Children’s difficult behavior is a way to show their needs and vulnerabilities. At such moments they need their parents the most.
  • Our parenting is affected by the parenting attitudes our parents show us.
  • We can be triggered when we become parents, the processes of our own childhood begin to become more apparent.
  • It is very important for parents to take care of themselves. It is very important to connect with ourselves and our inner child, to discover ourselves, our experiences and our needs. We repeat what we have not been able to improve and pass it on from generation to generation.
  • It is not always easy to try to demonstrate a parenting different from the parenting we see. It is important to focus on continuing the journey without confusing our own story with our child’s story. The needs of our children can be completely different with our own needs.
  • There is no single truth on any subject. Every child and family needs unique. The important thing is that the parents focus on their own and their child’s emotions as much as possible. We can improve our tailor-made sewing skills like a tailor. The attitude towards the needs of our family and children only; By adapting, following, we can discover over time.
  • Connection is everything. How precious to touch, look, touch, open up space for emotions, play games.
  • It is never too late to build a strong bond with our children.