Beef and Broccoli Combine

This easy keto friendly low-carb beef and broccoli stir fry is for all my peeps who are trying to enjoy life while still cutting down on carbs. Savory juicy beef and tender green broccoli in an addictive sauce. Super tasty and quick. Meal prep it for the week (double the batch) and you’re golden!
If you’ve been a long time reader, you might be wondering why there are a bunch of keto recipes all of a sudden. Believe me, it was surprising to me too. I mean, I LOVE carbs with a passion. I even have a sweatshirt with “Carb Enthusiast” on the front of it. But, even though I love carbs, they don’t love me. I was starting to get a little too fluffy from all the fluffy pancakes (SO GOOD). For a long time I was kind of frustrated but didn’t know what to do about it, but I don’t know, finally something inside me just clicked and that really old (kinda offensive) Kate Moss saying came to me: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.