Buy Food Cheaper


Grocery across the country in Finland, a discount started at 21:00 every evening before the remaining meat and fish (60 percent of which remain on hand) go to waste from the shelves. This last minute sale is called happy hour. Happy hour in the evening rather than market tradition in Turkey actually looks like.

Happy hour is part of a campaign that S-Market has been running for 2 years to reduce food waste. The concept of happy hour is an activity that is identified with drinking in people’s minds. In a country where people love to drink, this food discount application is called happy hour in order to attract the attention of even those who do not care about food waste.
S-Market’s happy hour resulted in a win-win-win situation. Customers can buy food very cheaply, retailers do not have to pay for disposal, and the production and consumption burden on the planet is easing.

According to the report of the United Nations, one third of the food produced for human consumption goes to waste without consumption. This means that 1.3 billion tons of food worth $ 680 billion was wasted. Although climate change / climate crisis can be on the agenda of the world, unfortunately, the food crisis is not a widely expressed problem. But one of the fastest growing issues, like the snowball, is the food crisis, triggered by the climate crisis and population density. When there is such a crisis, it is unacceptable to waste food. It will be gratifying that market chains and restaurants in our country do not remain insensitive to this situation and initiate similar practices.