Crisp Fried Dumpling

The bottom of a crisp fried dumpling.
Fry until crisp.
Heat a couple tablespoons of oil in the bottom of a non-stick or cast iron skillet over moderate heat until shimmering. Add the dumplings in a single layer and cook, swirling the pan, until an even deep golden brown on the bottom, one to two minutes. Swirling is important—it creates a more even crust.

Add Water and Steam
Adding water to a pan of frying dumplings.
Add water.
Increase heat to medium high and add water until it covers the dumplings by a third to a half.

Cover and Cook
Water simmering in pan with dumplings.
Steam until cooked through.
Cover with a lid and steam until the dumplings are cooked through. Frozen dumplings should take between six to 10 minutes depending on their size (just cut one in half and peek to make sure it’s cooked).

Remove Lid and Evaporate
Water cooks off in a pan of dumplings.
Remove lid and cook, swirling, until crisp again.
Remove the lid and cook, swirling the pan regularly, until the remaining water has evaporated and the dumplings are crisp again. Some recipes suggest leaving the dumplings alone without swirling here. I find that swirling gives them a much better, more evenly browned and crisped crust.