Crockpot Chicken Soup

This is a perfect meal for the current state of our new kitchen. I want to tell you about our new kitchen in our new house, which I feel like I should mention is a foreclosure. So give her some extra compassion, okay?

It’s, um, how do I say this? Small.
Small = less stuff = maybe even a little bit freeing.
Small = less distance to walk to get to things and fewer places to clean. Just saying.
It has a real live window and I have my photography table set up in the kitchen. Never before, guys. THIS IS AMAZING.
It has a jumbo, awkward, 1980’s fridge and I bump into it at least eighty times a day.
The stove is gas. It says the word CALORIC on the panel. So thanks for that.
It has a window. Actually, two. Did I already say that? Hiphiphooray!
It has a big sink that holds lots of dirty dishes and keeps them out of sight.
It has a non-functional garbage disposal. Oh well?
It is begging for a remodel. We are in the fun planning phase where we make 3D blueprints to see what it will look like when we knock the ol’ kitchen wall down and make it my small dream kitchen.