Decoration Suggestions for Capricorn Decoration

What are the decoration preferences of Capricorn people who are responsible, disciplined and always firmly on the ground? Here are decoration suggestions for Capricorn…


Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, who likes to live traditionally and comfortably and looks at life with serious and slightly dark eyes. Saturn is the lord of time in mythology and is concerned with planning. It also determines the limitations and boundaries. This means that Capricorn people create these boundaries in their own living spaces. This is why plain white walls are not for Capricorns. One of the walls of the room must be lead blue, gunpowder color that will reflect their spirit. This provides an aged, mature and historical view. Again, bricks, beams and columns are a style that this sign people will prefer in decoration. They do well with creating boundaries with large rooms, wall spacers and blocks. Just as the water groups (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are comfortable by the sea and the water, the soil group Capricorns prefer places where they will be intertwined with nature and soil, houses overlooking the forest, houses and apartments with gardens. Sitting in a very high apartment floor and being upstairs is not for them. Their feet must always be on the ground, for then they will understand what they have lived. Simple, intelligent and conscious Capricorns attach great importance to time. Time is of the essence to be able to organize every moment of their lives well. Many Capricorn people have an interest in watches and stopwatches.


Hardworking Capricorns can create a work corner in a part of their home. When we look at the colors in general, we see that they are quite traditional. Since they are an earth element, brick color, earth tones, dark browns, burgundy, dark blues and forest greens define them. Their style is classic. They really like velvet color in fabrics or seats. Velvet curtains can also be used for a dramatic and stylish look. Again, chamois and suede style fabrics reflect their fine taste. The melancholic nature of Capricorn people also causes them to use dark flooring, parquet and wood on the floors. Again, mahogany furniture, large tables and single seats can be indispensable. Seats are not minimal, but large and wide. They prefer practical and useful seats. They also like four corner items. Large leather poufs, large square cushions, soft-textured cashmere sofa covers, handcrafted blankets are common in their homes. Capricorns don’t like too many fancy items like Sagittarius, but details are very important. They do not rush to collect good and quality items. They should be the best and the best of everything. Old world items, antiques, wood carvings, drink stands, wall paintings, sconces, candlesticks, stone sculptures, rare historical figures, priceless porcelain sets, fine pieces can be used as accessories. Carved boxes and jewelry boxes can also be among the accessory selections. For carpets, they can prefer very high quality woven and hand made carpets. They may have an interest in local carpets. They can also use colors on carpets or curtains to add a better look to the home. Dark greens and navy blue, beige and brown tones also show themselves on the carpet. A group of Capricorn people may prefer a less concise, comfortable and business style decoration in their home because of their fondness for work. Therefore, a more comfortable style can emerge instead of a classic and heavy style.


Mirrors have an important place in the home decoration of the classic but effective Capricorns. Large and worn mirrors can be used in the bedroom to enrich the room. The bedroom should always be a little dark, rich and full of winter colors. Dark burgundy, brick color and brown tones make them feel safe. They don’t like light shades very much. Their bedding should be wide and comfortable, conforming to back and body orthopedics. Traditional or more stylish mahogany headboards help them sleep comfortably! Dressers and consoles can be chosen from dark wood. A very high quality carpet that does not attract attention but completes the room, and stylish and classic style lampshades at the bedside can be indispensable.


Capricorns, which are very practical and planned, are after quality and usefulness in the kitchen. If there is a ceiling beam in their kitchen, it looks very stylish. They like stone countertops, walnut, mahogany or old oak display cabinets. Efficiency is important to them. Floors can be of stone or of dark marble or granite. An old ceramic sink adds awareness to the environment. An old but solid solid table and chairs in the kitchen allow them to reflect their hospitality in the best way. Small but essential items also apply to their kitchens. Even though it looks like there are very few items from the outside, the cabinets can be perfect for hiding all the utensils.


The last decoration suggestion for Capricorn is the bathroom. For Capricorns who always care about symmetry, the bathroom should be spacious and plain. It should not be cramped between the sink, toilet and bathtub and there should be a cupboard on or next to the sink. These cabinets are very important to eliminate all junk and provide a clear and clean view. Even if the bathroom is small, mirrors to be applied to the walls instead of ceramics can refresh the bathroom. Perhaps the most modern and new-style place in the house may be the bathroom. A pleasant bathtub or jacuzzi makes them happy to relieve the tiredness of the day. Dark marbles and granite can also be their choice in the bathroom.