Dip Dye Instead Of The Easy Solutions!

Even though it has only been a few weeks since we’ve to get someone to paint your hair, began to show itself at the bottom again. Well, you don’t have to get it dyed again? Then, the bottoms are a few tips to hide!

Add volume!

Dip the simplest way to keep the hair that grows back is to give volume to your hair. Better give a style wavy or curly hair. If your hair is very straight roots is easily visible. By adding volume to the bottoms invisible.

The band put on!

Some like a horse’s tail reveals your roots in different colors and styles makes prolonged highlight your hair. What’s your favorite hairstyle but if you give up if you do not have to. A headband to keep the bottoms you can wear your scarf as a headband or you can use it.

When you collect or take place

White hair, they grow as a group. In some places, too, are in some places azdir. If you add together or separates from where he grew your hair white hair, are more conspicuous.

Dry hair dye

We don’t know newly released these paints is very healthy, but in an emergency can be saving. You can use paint or brushed temporary.

Stray from your natural color

If it grows less when you choose a color that is close to your natural hair color will be visible.  lighten the colour of your hair or even if you want your natural color, close to a two-tone include make.