Garlic And Eucalyptus

• How about garlic to get rid of a runny nose? There is an antihistamine substance “quercetin” in garlic. It is also rich in vitamin C. You can use it raw in meals or after crushing a few cloves of garlic, you can mix it with boiling water and make a steam treatment. It is beneficial to consume onions, leeks and apples, among other foods containing quercetin, while fighting allergies.
• The benefits of broccoli are countless. The most important feature of allergy is the vitamin C it contains. Likewise, greens such as spinach, chard, and kale are also rich in vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin E, which we especially want to consume during allergy season.
• Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is linked to allergies. Milk, ayran, kefir and egg yolk are some of the foods that contain vitamin D.
• We know that probiotics, which are generally recommended for gut health, protect the immune system and therefore help fight allergies. Some of the yoghurt, kefir, cheese, natural pickles, kombucha and probiotic foods.
• Eucalyptus oil recommended for asthma patients reduces inflammation. Put a few drops in a bowl of hot water and place it on the bathroom floor. It makes it easier for you to breathe while taking a shower.
• During allergy season, eat plenty of hot spice, add pepper to your meals, chew fresh ginger