Is Pickle Vegetable Or Fruit?

You can either try fermented pickles that take time and patience or make pickles quickly. A great way to store the lettering in a jar is pickles. While pickled cucumbers are the first to come to mind, you can experiment with many different fruits and vegetables. Try pumpkin, corn, beans, pepper, okra, for example. Try pickling green tomatoes, watermelon peels. Pickle not only vegetables, but also fruits. Add different aromatics, herbs, spices. In the summer, turn your kitchen into a pickle workshop.


The first sauces that come to mind in summer may be tomato, pepper sauce and paste. These are very useful sauces to use in cooking during the winter. It is also perfect for making homemade ketchup and embers in summer. However, make room for other sauces in your life this summer. Take plum sauce. Georgian style “tkemali” is a sweet, sour, richly flavored sauce that contains plums, a little sugar, vinegar, pepper, fresh mint and coriander, good for grilled chicken, meat or vegetables. Moroccan style harissa is a wonderfully delicious alternative to use hot peppers.

Try to make mustard, not just sauce, make different vinegars, preserve in olive oil. For example, soak the figs in vinegar, cook the resulting fig flavored vinegar with sugar and store. Cook the eggplants on the grill. Mix it with a little vinegar. Place them in a jar and cover them with olive oil. This is how grilled eggplants last a long time.