Lemony Zoodles

Who loves zoodles? I know they’re not noodles, but somehow, just the fact that they are zucchini in noodle shape fools me enough – I find them super satisfying. When I’m feeling fluffy and want to cut down on carbs, I use them wherever noodles are used: in pho; with tomatoes, basil, and burrata; and in a shrimp pasta minus the pasta. My latest thing is creamy lemon zoodles, just like creamy lemon pasta!

By happy coincidence, this happens to be a keto-friendly dish! One of our friends is currently on a crazy keto, intermittent fasting diet and he was telling us everything that was okay to eat and while he was describing everything, I was thinking, “Hey, my dinner last night was keto!”

This is super quick to whip up – the cream and butter are simmered for a short while to thicken then the zoodles are tossed in the pan for a quick cook before finishing everything off with parmesan. Salt and pepper and a bit of lemon zest for prettiness and dinner is done!