Let Your Home Take Breath And Give You Some Peace

Is it possible?

Yes.Just decorate and let it do its own duty. just giving some peace to you.

The most seamless color group in decoration is soft colors and neutral colors. Soft colors, which we can describe as soft intermediate colors, are the most ideal color group for cleaning. If you do not insist on a bright and vibrant decoration, you can make decorations that will always look clean with soft colors. We can recommend colors such as dry rose, cream, beige, earth tones, smoked tones, mink tones, soft tones between yellow and green and baby blue in this group.

The most commonly used furniture color in living room decoration is brown tones. Especially open ones offer a clean decoration thanks to their neutral feature. In addition, if you like decorations using natural elements such as stone, brick and wood, you can use neutral colors without thinking.

Yellow light is much more effective than white light in terms of camouflage. If you are complaining about the slightest dust being glaring in your home, you can start by using yellow lights. White light can make the house look dirtier by making dust that is normally too small to count as dirt visible.

The biggest feature that white color brings to decoration is spaciousness and light. It is the key to a spacious decoration as it reflects the light perfectly. Generally, white color is said to be difficult to use, but this may not be quite correct depending on the item you use.

White furniture creates a much more hygienic atmosphere because they are both bright and show dirt very quickly. However, white furniture can turn yellow from time to time, especially in busy living areas. In this case, we recommend vinegar and baking soda for white furniture cleaning. Add a little white vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda into some water and mix it and wipe your furniture with the help of a cloth with this mixture. You will see that your yellowing white furniture turns white again.

Although the most popular seat color is not made up of dark tones, today there are many people who love dark furniture. If you have a house decorated with dark furniture, dust will be your biggest problem. Especially in summer, when the windows are kept open all the time, you may have to constantly dust. To avoid this, we can give some little advice. If you wish, you can protect your furniture by covering decorative shawls suitable for your room and in intermediate tones. Or, with the help of textile coating masters, you can change the upholstery of your furniture and have a more problem-free suit. You can change the upholstery, which is the most practical and economical way to renew furniture, when you get bored with your decoration.