Let’s End Strawberry Legs in Winter!

It has been a long time since we left the sunny summer months behind. For this reason, our smooth skin has started to alarm us. ‘Chicken skin’ or ‘strawberry legs’ started to be evident with the cold days. Many of us are also quite uncomfortable with this. The tiny red dot skin look can also be quite annoying. British dermatologist Sophia Reid explains what we can do against this image. Keratosis pilaris If your red or brown spots are accompanied by small red bumps, you most likely have keratosis pilaris. He says this is due to excess keratin buildup in your hair follicles. Generally, most people with lifelong “strawberry legs” actually only deal with keratosis pilaris. This rather disturbing situation is unfortunately genetic.


If you develop sudden, acne-like lumps around your buttocks or thighs, you may have folliculitis. The reason for this is due to inflammation in the hair follicle due to friction. These small red spots have a white-tipped lump like a classic pimple at the end. However, these generally do not affect all your hair follicles equally. However, every hair follicle on your shin and thigh may appear dark or red. The reason for this is keratosis pilaritis, not folliculitis.


If keratosis is not pilaris or folliculitis, perhaps your condition is said to be leaking of small capillaries just under the skin. Again, these spots may also be red moles. Or maybe the hairs on your legs are irritated because you removed them with a razor. If there is a serious appearance, you may need to see a dermatologist. The creams you used may also have caused the irritation on your skin. All chemical creams can make your skin extra sensitive to sunburn. Therefore, apply protective sunscreen after bathing in the summer. Again, do not rub your skin harshly while bathing. Especially the inner legs may be irritated because they are very sensitive. Therefore, avoid a harsh peeling. Excessive scrubbing of the hard areas on your body can also cause your skin to dry.


British skin experts also gave the following advice: Be sure to care about your skin like your other organs. In case of any spotting or similar, do not confuse search engines and always consult an expert. Use the medicines given by your doctor carefully and carefully.