Make Sweet Bread

How to make monkey bread
Make the dough. Use a stand mixer to do all the hard work. All it takes is a quick knead with a dough hook and you’re good to go.
Let it rest. After your dough is ready, it’s time for a rest so it can puff up. Now’s a good time to have a cup of coffee or tea.
Roll the dough into balls. When the dough has doubled in size, it’s time to punch it down and shape it into little balls.
Dip the balls. After the balls are shaped, dip them in brown butter and a mix of cinnamon and sugar. Pop everything into a buttered bundt pan.
Bake. Bake until golden, gooey, and delicious.
Drizzle. Finish off with a drizzle of vanilla icing while it’s still hot so it melts into all the nooks and crannies.
Enjoy! Eat it while it’s still warm, there’s nothing better, trust me!