Pine Honey Flavor

Pine honey is mostly produced in the Aegean, especially in Muğla and its surroundings. Pine honey is one of the most special honeys in the world, created jointly by insects and honey bees living on the redwoods of this region and called “basra” (marchelina hellenica). Oak honey is also available in other countries. It is one of the honeys referred to as “forest honey” in Lebanon, Spain, Portugal and even Germany. We are mostly in Thrace. Bees also come to the insect outbreak that accumulates on the acorns and their leaves from late July to October.
It is actually a delicious recycling story among wood honey, insects and bees; one’s waste is evaluated by the other. Moreover, wonderful honeys come out. Now, the question is, are we making the most of it ?!
Honey does not deteriorate easily (if it is natural, it is quite natural to crystallize over time), but wood honey can last for a long time, especially without its consistency or crystallization.