Re-Organize Your Vanity

Let’s say you’ve already de-cluttered your vanity—or you don’t need to right now—you can still organize it! If your hair ties are mixed in with your makeup brushes and your magnifying mirror is sitting on top of all of it, it’s time to readjust. Take this time to figure out an organizational system that works for you and keep it tidy with repurposed kitchen containers or organizational caddies that fit your specific space or products—did you know they make containers designated for organizing lipsticks? Yep, it’s true.


Try self-tanning

You’re likely not having many face-to-face interactions these days and for those that happen over a video chat, your virtual appearance does not need to be top-notch. But if you’re someone who feels their best with the glow of a tan, don’t let the current news cycle discourage you from it. Or if you’re someone who wants to finally try self-tanning but you’ve always been afraid of it, now is the time to experiment.

For a popular-but-affordable pick, go with the Jergens Natural Glow  which reviewers say gives you a natural-looking, bronzed tan without making you look orange or streaky. The mousse dries within a minute and you don’t have to wash it off—just wear it until it gradually fades.

Give yourself a manicure or pedicure

You don’t have to be a professional nail technician to groom your fingers and toes—just some basic tools that you may already have at home, like a nail file and clippers. To keep it simple, clip the tips of your nails and file down any sharp edges to avoid snags in your clothes or scratches on your skin. Then, if you have one, paint a clear coat on your nails to make them look shiny and healthy. Repeat this process on your toes.

If you want to try your hand at a spa-like nail treatment, place your fingertips in a warm bowl of water to soften the skin, then clean up your cuticles using a cuticle pusher. From there, trim your tips with a clipper, shape the edges with a file, and buff out the tops of the nails with a nail buffer or an old, worn-down file that’s not too rough. Once you’ve completed these steps, wash your hands and proceed with a clear coat or a colorful polish that flashes your work. For your feet, you can do the same process but use a foot spa—or, in a pinch, a bucket filled with warm water—to prep your feet.


Upgrade your pedicure with a foot peel


While you’re pampering your feet, you might as well stick ‘em in a “foot peel.” Don’t worry—it sounds scarier than it is. The popular Baby Foot Exfoliation Foot Peel claims to “rebirth” your feet using fruit acids that remove dead, callused, and cracked skin through exfoliation. Leave the booties on for 60 minutes and your feet will slowly peel over the next week or two—although, this may work better for some than others. You may want to avoid this treatment in the warmer months (who wants to see their feet peeling out of their sandal?) but it’s perfect right now, when you’re shuffling around the house