Roasted Banana

Crust: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine graham crackers, sugar, and butter. Press into two 8-ounce ramekins. Place on a baking sheet with one unpeeled banana. Bake for 10 minutes, until the banana is soft with a black peel, and the crusts are set.

Blend: Transfer the cooled pudding to a blender or food processor with the roasted banana. Blend until mostly smooth (this should help the filling loosen up a little bit).

For two people, we usually drink half of our batches that evening, and then keep the rest in the fridge and finish it the next night! Transfer the cooled pudding to a blender or food processor with the roasted banana. Blend until mostly smooth (this should help the filling loosen up a little bit). Use best judgment in terms of food safety with your extras, as unpasteurized juices (especially ones that are not served fresh) can be unsafe for certain people.