Sea Product Tonight

Oil the grill and grill the shrimp: Fold up a thick wad of paper towels. Using tongs, dip the paper towels in oil and rub the grill grates. Add the shrimp skewers to the freshly oiled grill grates. Cook for 2 minutes per side until they are just cooked through and have a few grill marks.

Cook the couscous: In a small pot set over medium-high heat, bring water and butter to a simmer. When butter is melted, stir in couscous and remove from heat and cover with a lid. Let steam for five minutes to cook couscous. Then stir in lemon pepper and fresh lemon zest.

Make the Swiss chard (optional Dad Add): Add olive oil to a large skillet over medium-high heat. When the oil shimmers, add Swiss chard and cook, stirring occasionally until Swiss chard wilts down—this should only take a couple of minutes. Add lemon juice and salt, toss to coat, and keep warm over low heat until ready to serve.