Silk Eyelashes What Is The Application?

Looks loads of deep meanings, women…one of the most important aspects of the eyelashes
lashes sometimes sometimes we are faced with innate poured after shorter and less. We all dream of volume, which is fuller and longer lashes, it is possible to reach in a short time. We’ve heard every channel “silk eyelash” what? let’s take a look

-First of all, real silk is being used for this application!

-This application is sparse, short lashes often prefer a light color, such as people who are not very pleased.

–Silk lashes length, volume, thickness and the structure of the eye are selected according to the will of the people.

-All silk lashes thickness determined according to the preference of the person to be bonded to the length of individual lashes applied.

–Silk Eyelash application process usually 1 or 2 hours.

–Silk lashes is made with organic or hypoallergenic adhesive bonding process. Thus, to cause negative health effects are blocked.

–Silk lashes Can be used between 3 weeks and 6 months.

-In this time frame, a person’s eyelashes silk eyelashes separated from falls.

–Silk eyelash application you can apply eye makeup that you want with yourself, but you should choose some special makeup of the stickers. (Fat-free products you should choose.)

–If you want to use your lashes silk long-term care, attention, you should choose periodic maintenance without disrupting experts.

-The last time is also a favorite of this process, which suit you and your look will sharpen even more!

*Important Tips;

–Silk this process when you want your lashes to remove you shouldn’t do yourself, or you may damage your own lashes. That made you the expert will help you.

–After the application of the new Silk eyelashes the length of your lashes one of the most important points that you need to pay attention to sleep position. Be sure not to sleep on my face your lashes shapes may be distorted.

-You should pay attention to the face cleansing and makeup removal. You can wash your face comfortably, Of course, but you should bear soap for a touch of silk lashes. It is useful for the cleaning products recommended by a professional to use this.

-Periodic maintenance is also one of the key points; diminishing lashes silk eyelashes properly completed and healthy when you go the whole nine yards you can achieve the appearance.

-Remember the loss of the natural balance of the period of your lashes, silk lashes is harmless. Your own natural eyelashes will be spilled. With periodic maintenance, your new lashes will be adding.