Skin Care Recommendations for Dry and Cold Weather

By applying skin care recommendations for cold weather , you can have a more vivid and radiant skin. Be sure to follow what you need to do to protect skin health in winter.

First of all, you should pay more attention to the cleanliness of your skin in the winter season. A well-groomed and healthy skin must be well-cleaned. Because the skin is exposed to dirt and oil all day. The skin must be cleansed of these dirt and dead cells. Correct cleaning is also important for your skin to be healthy. For this, you must first know your skin type well. You should also clean the skin accordingly. Because the needs of each skin are different, you should choose the products you will use according to your skin type.

It is important to get rid of the dead skin on the face. For this, wash and clean your face twice a day. Apply tonic after cleansing your face. Tonic adjusts the pH balance of the skin and prevents excessive drying of the skin. The peeling application that accelerates blood circulation will save the skin from dead skin . You can make your skin look healthier and more vibrant.

Korumasıdır.b the moisture balance of the skin for one of the most important point is to use a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type and quality of winter dry skin şarttır.neml three protected from cracking.

Do not neglect to use sunscreen since it is winter season. Sunscreen is necessary not only in summer but also in winter. Sun rays cause skin wrinkling and premature aging. Using a factor of 35 will be sufficient in winter.

In order to protect the skin and prevent aging, you should also pay attention to your diet in the winter. For this, your skin should get enough omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, E and K. So you prevent premature aging of the skin. Especially in winter, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant power make your skin look fresher.

Especially vitamin C is indispensable for the skin. Consume fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits daily. Apart from that, consume hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds for your skin to get enough vitamin E. Consume at least 2.5 liters of water a day to moisturize the skin naturally. It will be good if you consume green tea, which has antioxidant properties. Do not miss the egg, which is the source of protein, from your breakfast.

You should stay away from bad habits that cause premature aging of the skin, such as smoking and alcohol, which negatively affect skin health. Balanced sleep takes care to sleep. Resting your skin makes it healthier and brighter.