6 life-saving tactics when preparing a summer vacation suitcase

A vacation luggage list always saves lives when going for summer vacation. Preparing suitcases is often a torture. It is seen as a burden to prepare a suitcase until you hit the road. However, we cannot believe that we will set out without preparing the suitcase. Preparing suitcases without wrinkling is almost an art.

Colorful, free, comfortable …

One of the details that women care about is to prepare suitcases. Especially when going on a summer vacation, the parts we put in the suitcase must be complete. We have listed the methods for this for you.

There are always colorful pieces in your summer suitcase. Summer means color. If you are not good at making combinations of clothes, try this method. Throw random pieces into your summer suitcase. Take your colorful t-shirts, shorts, etc. without thinking about it. Thus, while you are on holiday, you will make combinations with the parts you are not accustomed to and you will discover new combination ideas since you are out of the usual. Since summer is the season of being more free with colors, cuts, patterns, you can make trial and error with new ideas.

How long you will be on vacation should be the main criterion in determining the amount of items you need to take with you. We are sure that you will need more shoes and clothes for a long journey.

6 life-saving tactics when preparing a summer vacation suitcase

While the weather is getting warmer, preparations for the summer vacation are accelerating. If you are planning to escape somewhere to listen a little this summer, take a look at these 6 suggestions before you start preparing your suitcase.

Prepare a lightweight suitcase

Plan your receipts well, both to avoid paying extra money for luggage at the airport and to travel more comfortably. For this, you can buy light clothes such as shorts and T-shirts, depending on how many days you will be at your destination. If you are traveling to a big city, leave some space in the suitcase in case you shop without returning. The suggestions for preparing suitcases for those who set off only with hand luggage are in our article!

Prepare a lightweight suitcase

2- Take sunscreens in a suitcase

One of the most challenging issues for those who go on vacation in the summer is burns, which are the result of the scorching sun. If you do not want to spend your holiday with a whining back, take sunscreen creams before you go and avoid direct sun, especially at noon.

3- Don’t forget the spare swimwear and clothes

Although it is a small possibility, your suitcase may be lost at the airport and most of your holiday can end until it reaches you. When you get on the plane, take a small cabin baggage with you and put a few spare clothes and swimsuits inside. So you can remove and use them if necessary.

4- Back up your battery

Summer vacation also means taking lots of photos, videos and instantly sharing them on social media. Get a spare battery and powerbank to keep your phone charging along the way. In this way, even if you take hundreds of photos, you can charge your phone wherever you want.

 5- Discard surpluses

Nobody wants to carry a heavy suitcase from there to there in hot weather. Instead of taking books and magazines you will never read, leave them at home. When you want to read something, you can buy a newspaper wherever you go or read it from the phone.

6- Place the items correctly

If there is something as important as the items you take in your suitcase, how it is placed. You can also set off with a small suitcase by stuffing things into shoes and folding them to take up less space. Do not forget to buy less wrinkled clothes, if possible, to be comfortable on holiday.