The Best Way To Make Knitted Face Scrubbies

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Today we are going to examine closely “Knitted Face Scrubbies”



• Worsted weight cotton yarn (I’ve knit these up in Sugar ‘n Cream, Crafter’s Secret, Knit Picks Dishie, and I Love This
Cotton and they all work very well, though some are easier to knit with than others)
• Size 3.75mm (US 5) DPN needles.
• Stitch marker
• Tapestry Needle for finishing and sewing in ends.


K – Knit P – Purl
KFB – Knit the front and back of a stitch, increasing the stitch by one. (Use the make one stitch increase of your choice here,
KFB is only used for simplicity.)


Cast on 6 stitches (I use the Old Norwegian cast on or the Long-Tail Cast On).
Place 2 stitches on each dpn and begin working in the round, marking the beginning of the round with a stitch marker.
This is the most fiddly part until you are a couple rows in.
Row 1 and every odd row: Purl
Row 2: KFB every stitch (12 stitches)
Row 4: K1, KFB – repeat to the end of the row (18 stitches)
Row 6: K1, KFB – repeat to the end of the row (27 stitches)
Row 8: K1, KFB – repeat to the end of the row – K1 (40 stitches)
Row 10: Bind off all stitches except the last 2 using Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (Knitty has a great tutorial)


With the two stitches left after binding off, you want to pick up two
stitches for a total of four stitches to begin the strap. I like to do this
by knitting the two stitches, then picking one up in the gap left
between here and the beginning of your bind off and then one from
the beginning of the bind off itself.
From here on you will be working back and forth on two dpns
instead of in the round. You can do garter stitch or stockinette stitch
according to your tastes. I work 21 rows (your results may vary),
slipping the first stitch on each row for a neater edge.


Once you reach the length of strap you desire, you have a few ways
you can finish your scrubbie.

Method 1: Bind off your four stitches and then sew them to the
opposite edge.
Method 2: Cut yarn to leave a 7-8 inch tail. With your tapestry
needle join your live stitches to the opposite edge.
Sew in your ends and cut the excess yarn and you have a face scrubbie!