The Reality Of Collagen

In addition to the concepts of youth and beauty, we discuss the word ‘collagen’, which we hear most, on the table. Why is it so important, what does its deficiency lead to, what benefits do supplements provide? The key to health and beauty; Collagen is one of the words we hear the most on the road to youth and beauty.

So why is it so important?

What does it mean?  Why do we need him so much?

Meaning ‘glue’ in ancient Greek; The main protein that holds our bodies together is called collagen. It makes up 75 percent of our skin and 30 percent of all body proteins. It is densely found in bone, muscle, cartilage and skin. As the main building block, it gives strength and resistance to tissues. Unfortunately, this important substance begins to decrease significantly with age. What can we do to reduce collagen breakdown? First of all, we need to protect from the sun, quit smoking, use antioxidants, and eat right. If the destruction process has begun, protective approach alone is not enough anymore and it is time to benefit from medicine. Oral collagen supplements have been common for the past few years.

There are many brands and products in this area. If you ask which one to choose, the purpose is very important here. These supplements are thought to be beneficial not only for the aging process, but also for visual acuity, hair and nail health, muscle strength and joint health.

What are the other collagen enhancement methods? Medically, it is possible to increase the partially decreased production again with collagen induction therapy. Mechanical stimuli, lasers, light therapy and chemical injections are used in induction treatment, which means increasing collagen production. In this process, which lasts for up to three years, the need for reinforcement may arise after a year. Collagen induction by needling is one of the processes that trigger collagen production as a result of the destruction of the skin known as dermaroller by sticking needles. In this method, which has a limited effect, many sessions should be done for success and the treatment should be renewed frequently.