Things to Consider When Buying Spices

At first, I advise them to shop from reliable and constantly shopping points. 80 percent of the spice is our own production. The important thing in spice is aroma. Cumin should not have waited, black pepper should not have waited, because the products lose their characteristics, consumption, and aroma as they wait. I don’t want to think of a product that has lost its aroma or at all, but all the prepared sauces made with spices with something different with a mixed spice are useless. In other words, there is a taste of the meats they have made with so much manual labor, and there is also a meal saying “let’s get rid of that meat”. Therefore, they should shop as reliable as possible, from the points they know, check the spices they will buy with an eye first, and never hesitate to ask questions to the people they will shop with. Because he will not give little money to this kind of shopping.

Take less, eat well
“Does it make sense to buy the spice monthly or weekly?” Answering the question, Tezcan said, “Now the most important feature of spices is their aroma and smell. Whether it takes 50 grams, 100 grams, or 1 kilogram, it must be protected under healthy conditions. It must be protected from heat, sun and light. I recommend them to keep them in glass jars and to close their mouths tightly. But I advise them to buy and consume as little as possible and buy again. Because when the aroma of the spice is gone, it won’t work ”.

Prices went up but will fall
While there is a price increase in the spices coming from abroad due to the corona virus this year, the spice maker Tezcan, who hopes that this increase will decrease in a short time after the festival, said, “80 percent of the spices are of foreign origin. Our very beautiful plant that grows in Turkey, we have spices. However, most of them are of foreign origin. During the pandemic process, we had difficulties in procuring some products as there were huge restrictions on imports and exports, and there were huge delays or restrictions on transfers. As a result of the supply and demand issue, there has been a price increase in products that do not have a stock inside. Currently, prices are still at a high level, but stocks are slowly filling up. Hopefully, we expect a slightly more positive decline in spice prices after this process, ”he said.

The most beautiful is Eskişehir’s cumin
Speaking about the spices produced in Eskişehir, Tezcan stated that cumin grows generally in this region. Tezcan said, “The most cumin grows in Eskişehir region. When we look at it as a spice, cumin is a product of Eskişehir region. Especially in our Alpu district, the aroma and taste of cumin is very high. We usually buy our cumin in Alpu, Ankara Polatlı region. In our own facility, we process our machines that are completely hygienic and untouched by human hands ”.