Tips To Prolong Your Hair Naturally

If you are looking for some tips on how to elongation of your hair with these tips you can grow your hair in a short period of. After cutting your hair and hair extensions such as regret and women are usually the source of additions they make.

Growth also will slow hair loss like that of the Buddha. It is already natural. After that you don’t have to worry that long, glamorous hair to have expensive hair you don’t need to refer to the sources. To extend your hair, try these tips hair growth will be at least five inches in six months.

The Amount Of Protein You Eat

We recommend that you eat plenty of protein feed and extend it to your hair, this is the first one of the tips. Basically your hair is made of protein, so that’s what makes this section allows you to grow your hair. Eat at least 20-30 grams of protein per meal. Lose weight, even a little, it will be healthier protein than fat or carbohydrates.

Protein intake at every meal your hair silky and will help you grow strong. Sources of protein are fish, eggs, organic chicken, raw protein powder, there are plenty of organic foods such as yogurt and nuts.

Take Biotin

If you want long and healthy hair Biotin is no exception. Biotin is a B vitamin is a source of people who can’t afford a lot of hair and can cause problems. Biotin are eggs, fish, are found in foods such as nuts and seeds. Biotin strengthens the hair and helps to extend and by preventing the breakdown of proteins, helps in the production of collagen.
hair extension

Do not use excess funds and straightener

For the right hair style, these tools are very important, but the hair and prevents hair styling tools temperature prolongation. If you want to extend your hair, hair tools that you should stay away for a long time!

For a while, give yourself a break and your hair. If you’re brave and the front camera instead of your hair air dry it with a towel. What you can do to reduce the heat and excess brush your hair.