To Color Of Your Eyes Stand Out With Makeup

Generally most people’s eye color is brown. Little, Yesil color, color blue, hazel, and they form a minority group in society even people with gray eyes. However, these people attract more attention with your eyes and appreciated. For this reason, people with light-colored eyes for brown eyes by using a lens can be used wannabe. However, the lenses are not recommended for use unless it’s necessary, usually from damage to the eye.

People with light-colored eyes makeup to bring out the beauty of your eyes and the eyes in your eyes, you will enchant the people around you. The ladies in the city of Ankara which is the preference of Service and our blog page for blue eyes makeup tips we’ve assembled.

If you have an eye for the color blue;

If you are with blue color for this eye color glaze use. Your use of the natural color tones would be a very good choice. For this reason, we recommend that you use colors like pink and brown. If you are going to make up for an invitation to a special night stylish and if you must give special attention to eye makeup. Our recommendation is this gray color eyeliner. Darker shades of eyeshadow and mascara may terminate your transaction with. Since it is a heavy eye makeup, and blush and lip use lighter colors in your eyes that the elections will create far more awareness. The color of your skin will ensure appropriate color selection of makeup has not grinning.

Yesil if you have an eye for color;

Yesil purple is the color most compatible with. However, the use of darker shades of purple will reveal the radiance of your eyes. The nearest tones of Bordeaux prefer. Green farthest one of the colors is black. Do not use if you are black in color with this eye eyeliner. Shades of gray and brown look, you can make your stand out by using vigor.

If you have hazel color eyes;

Ela eye makeup is the most ideal when it comes to color. All we can say is worthy of almost every color. How do we call dark tones should be weighted fits almost any color. In our opinion, is the most ideal color is blue. Color your eyes with this makeup makes more sense, and draws attention. Black eyeliner as opposed to the green can be used. Even our own by trying out different shades of your color of choice is to find one that best suits your skin.

If you are with a grey eye;

There are many options for those with this eye color, but the most ideal 3 color attracts attention. Opal color, pearl white, and Jean-they will be coupled with a perfect pair of your blue eye color.

We State this as a Bloger. If you prefer the structure of your eyes, use dark tones large headlight. You make choices most appropriate for your eye color and tonal colour more clearly the beauty of your eyes with the makeup you will be noticed.