Want to Get Clear Skin?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what your skin really needs to be as healthy as possible. Every day we’re bombarded by marketing hype for various skin care and cosmetic products, as well as advice from social media influencers and other beauty gurus.

1. Wash your face twice a day

If you’re prone to breakouts or have oily skin, don’t skimp on washing your face as part of your morning and evening skin care routine.

In a study that focused specifically on face washing, participants were asked to wash their face one, two, or four times a day for a six-week period.

At the end of the study, there was a significant improvement in the acne lesions of those who washed their face twice a day. The participants who only washed their face once a day had the greatest increase in pimples.

2. Use a mild cleanser

The aisles at most drugstores are packed with all sorts of facial cleansers. Trying to figure out which one is right for you can be overwhelming.

When it comes to choosing the “best” cleanser, fancier may not necessarily be better.

A systematic review of 14 studies found that there really isn’t much difference in skin breakouts, no matter what type of cleanser you use.

The studies included everything from cleansing bars and antibacterial soaps to cleansers that contained alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

While this may be disappointing if you’ve spent a lot of money on an expensive cleanser, the takeaway here is that keeping it simple is probably best.

A mild cleanser without a lot of ingredients and fragrances can work just as well as more expensive options.

3. Apply an acne-fighting agent

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), many topical therapies can help fight acne. The key to finding the most effective one for you is knowing what type of acne you have.

Depending on the type of acne you have, the AAD recommends the following:

Comedonal acne (blackheads and similar bumps). Look for products that contain retinoids like adapalene gel (Differin).

Mild acne. Topical benzoyl peroxide can help fight mild acne, either on its own or together with a topical retinoid.

Inflammatory acne. Topical dapsone 5 percent gel is recommended, particularly in adult females.

Acne with scarring. Azelaic acid preparations can help reduce acne and the risks of acne scarring.

If you want to simultaneously target different types of acne, the AAD recommends using a combination of benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, or adapalene gel.

Using these treatments together may dry out your skin, so be sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.