We Need To Protect Our Hair?

The cause of hair loss is genetic, hormonal or environmental, may be. Males often shedding scroll starting from the temples, and baldness on the top as it shows itself. The Peak District is going to cause baldness usually completely hairlessness, but the hair on the nape is not affected. This type of hair loss stems from the sensitivity of the hair follicles. Slightly, some hormonal imbalance can also lead to hair loss problem. In addition, stress, environmental factors such as low protein intake may also cause baldness.

In the early stages of hair loss that affects both the physical and spiritual aspects of people’s hair examines, and the color of the hair opens. Turns out weak and lifeless hair. Then, consists of opening in the front hair line and the voltage of the Peak District.

Causes of hair loss

Protein-free diet, thyroid disease, certain intestinal parasites, more tea and coffee consumption, stomach bleeding, hemorrhoids, urinary tract stones, for reasons such as losing more blood, can be the cause of the spillage. B12 or zinc deficiency, diabetes, diabetes, disease also can result in hair loss.

Precautions to be taken against baldness

A deficiency in vitamin B12 and folic acid, because if it is incomplete if it can cause hair loss, vitamin supplements should be taken.


Stress should be avoided as much as possible.


Well-balanced diet protein diet program should be adopted and not necessarily a need to take part in this program.


Hair styling products for healthy hair, don’t cause any problems while scrawny and weak-rooted should be exercised when using these products because it can lead to hair loss. When choosing your hair products, hair serums and hair roots strengthens and products produced as a matter of priority should be preferred.


Precautions should be taken against zinc and iron deficiency.