What Do You Think About Chickpea?

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Chickpea, which we have been consuming for centuries, is one of the most popular ingredients in recent years.
Chickpea is a delicious and nutritious legume that has been consumed in many cuisines for thousands of years. Chickpea, which has become more and more popular in recent years, has become one of the most preferred ingredients, especially for those who want to eat healthily.

The place of chickpeas in our kitchen is undeniable. Hummus donut made with currants and pine nuts in the Ottoman Empire, chickpea wraps from Antep, yoghurt soup “lebeniye” with meat from Eastern Anatolia, stews with or without meat, ashura and of course pilaf with chickpeas… Chickpeas have an indispensable place in all of these dishes. We should not forget the roasted chickpea that was discovered six hundred years ago.

The increase in the number of vegetarian and vegan diets in recent years has increased the importance of vegetable proteins. Gluten-free foods, natural protein, nutrient-rich plants and legumes are living their golden age. In addition to this, Middle Eastern cuisine has become more and more curious by the world. Chickpeas, which have been part of the cuisines of this region for centuries and contain 15 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber per 100 grams, have become one of the most popular ingredients.