Why Should You Use Sunscreen During The Winter Months?

Use sunscreen to protect your skin quality, to reduce the risk of delaying the effects of aging and skin cancer is one of the steps necessary maintenance. This product should be used only in the summer, although it is a general perception that UV-filter products should not be skipped at any time of the year. The weather is cold, the sun behind the clouds: why sunscreen should you use? We searched for you.

Does Not Interfere The Clouds

Unfortunately, does not decrease as the temperature decreases, the sun’s rays away from your eyes to keep the sun and air, although it manages to reach your skin. Skin-damaging UV rays can get through the filter and the effect continues up to 80 percent of the cloud.

It Makes The Skin More Vulnerable

The wind and the cold, dry, tender skin from the sun and are more vulnerable to worn. So, the damage of UV rays on the skin left during the winter months it is more powerful.

Watch out for snow and ice

Nobody knows what happened, especially about winter sports: snow and ice the reflective effect of the skin to be exposed to more sunlight, thus leads to suffer the harmful effects of the sun.

The Ozone Layer Is Thinner

We can say that the ozone layer is the earth to the sun and a protector. Most of the layer in the atmosphere is sucking the harmful rays before they reach us. However, the production of ozone at high temperatures is accelerating. So the ozone layer is thinner and hence more permeable during the winter months.

We’re Closer To The Sun

The month of July at the farthest point from the sun in the world, which is in the month of January, having the time closest to the sun. The tilt of the northern hemisphere winter season for staying away from the sun at which point we we’re experiencing in fact, even though all the Earth closer to the sun and is exposed to the UV rays in a more intensive way.