You Need To Make Decisions For Your Skin Care In 2020

It’s time to show your skin the value it deserves. In 2020, a more healthy and youthful skin that you should follow we wrote 6 small suggestion for you.

1 – get rid of your old makeup

If you want to try new products if you are using for more than a year and no longer at risk the health of the skin, it’s time to say goodbye to your makeup ones.

2 – wash your makeup brushes

Every day, you may be cleaning your face carefully, but if you wash your makeup brushes every 3 months for all your hard work is wasted. Wash your brushes regularly make it part of your beauty routine this year.

3 – Unscented, unscented prefer products

An allergic reaction or skin products to protect your skin from skin-damaging chemicals, especially if you want to use unscented products.

4 – beware of pore clogging products

A product is fat-free doesn’t mean they do not clog your pores. The product alcohol, sulfate and check whether it contains silicone.

5 – meet with hyaluronic acid moisturizer

Creams that contain hyaluronic acid moisturizing at the same time it fights with fine lines and wrinkles while your skin very well.

6 – consume products that contain omega 3

Products that contain omega-3 increases the rate of moisture of your skin naturally. Supports the production of healthy fat is necessary for your skin. Salmon, spinach, walnuts in foods that contain omega 3 are just a few of…