Your Lawn 5 Ways To Keep Them Alive In Drought

-1. Don’t waste a drop-

Shower place a bucket or use your bath water for your lawn – an average bath holds 80 litres 3 minutes on average a shower uses 45 litres!


-2. You learn with your gray water on the grass-

irrigate instead of using a hose to rinse your program bleach direct to the garden.


-3. Consider a wetting agent-

Water use a wetting agent such as crystals. Most at the hardware store and nurseries in the water helps the grass maintain moisture and water crystals slowly into the depths of the soil liberates.


-4. Regularly and at the correct height-

mow In the summer months to ensure good growth to mow your lawn at least twice a week target. Good to raise the height of a drought the idea is more a layer of long grass and reeds, soil against heavy water loss resulting from evaporation to isolate may help. Extreme avoid mowing down on hot days you try.


-5. Timing is everything-

Your lawn in the early morning or late in the afternoon hours in the water (with more water), Lawn of the day absorb the water before it evaporates in the heat there will be more chances to.


  • Last tip: for a deep root lawn professionals the system will create. The roots of this to be able to access deep water high at temperatures help keep it moist will be.


  • It the way to do, and deep watering less the grass is irrigating. Each in the water, the water to be nice and deep a little more time for your lawn to ensure disconnect, these roots grow deeper assists.