Good and Useful Apple Apps for Your Health

As strange as it may sound, Clue is the best period-tracking app we’ve found. By entering information on the time of your period, the flow, your pain, mood, and sexual activity, the app can help you learn when you are ovulating in case you want to get pregnant, don’t want to get pregnant, or just want to understand those awful mood swings that seem to arise out of nowhere.

Save the world and simultaneously shed the kilos. Zombies, Run! is an exciting audio adventure and fitness app that lets users escape from their usual jogging track into interactive story missions where you are star of your own video game. In the forty minute episodes, you play the hero, and collect virtual supplies to build your home base whilst fleeing from the growls and groans of the undead. The app also allows you to integrate your own workout playlists so you can bolt with Beyonce on your side – because ‘You’re a Survivor’, quite literally.

An app highly acclaimed by Miranda Kerr,  as an encyclopaedia for all those ingredients we don’t know how to pronounce in our food or other daily products. Search for an ingredient and read up on what’s in it, what it does, whether it is harmful or helpful, and even if it’s banned in any places. This app is perfect for grocery shopping so you can know exactly what you are getting before you dish out the cash for something.

Another Miranda Kerr favourite,acts as a great tool for Australia’s beginner vegetable gardeners. This app is perfect if you’ve been itching to test out your green thumb by planting your own homegrown vegetables. The Vegie Guide will tell you what vegetables are in season and will grow the best in your particular climate. You can even track the growth of your personal garden and learn the warning signs of diseases and pests that might try to get in your way.

To quit the couch and hit the pavement for years now, thanks to its suite of guided runs with pro athletes, and useful run tracking metrics, so you can see your fitness levels soar with cold, hard data. We’re particuarly into the Apple Watch version, which offers all the goodness of its iPhone counterpart but allows you to go running without carting along your phone with you (yes please).

Try as we might, motivation to stick to good habits tends to wane, which is why this clever app comes in handy. It makes running streaks of everyday you commit to your resolution – whether it’s getting in 10,000 steps a day, skipping meat or sugar, or practising a skill – which is a surefire method to ensure you continue for fear of breaking your hard-earned streak. Trust us, it’s addictive.

They’re famed for their cult favourite sunscreen, and now  are extending their expertise in sun protection into the app world. Their app pairs with a portable device and analyses your environment to flag skin-harming environmental aggressors, from high levels of pollution to dangerous UV ratings, and provides a custom skincare routine based on the data. Perfect for encouraging you to apply sunscreen every single day of the year (yes, even when it’s cloudy).