Tips for Cooking Pasta

Pasta is a dish frequently eaten by people of all walks of life because it is both an affordable and practical dish. Pasta can be eaten plain, as well as offering different tastes with many sauce types. It is necessary to pay attention to some tricks in order to make pasta, one of the easiest and satisfying flavors of the table, delicious.

Making pasta beautiful, which is among the practical tastes, requires a special care. Here are the secrets of cooking more delicious pasta …

Discover the tricks of cooking delicious pastas that your guests will love.

Use a wide and deep pan.

Fill 3/4 of the pot with water.

The ideal ratio for cooking pasta is 100 grams of pasta and 10 grams of salt in 1 liter of water.

After the water boils, add salt to the bottom of the fire and mix well.

Pour the pasta into the pan and turn on the fire.

Take care to use a wooden spoon to mix.

Add half a glass of milk to the boiling water to increase the taste of your pasta.

Continue cooking without closing the lid of the pan.

In order to cook aldente pasta, be careful not to exceed the minimum cooking time stated on the back of the packages.

Add a glass of cold water to the pan and strain your pasta, mix slowly with the sauce.

We recommend you to heat the container in which you will mix your pasta with the sauce, use olive oil while preparing the sauce, and butter if desired.

Since your pasta continues to cook even after it has been lowered and filtered, mix it with the sauce as soon as possible.