Why Should We Hang Eucalyptus In The Shower?

What are the benefits? Hanging eucalyptus in the shower is beautiful and even looks like a spa. But that’s not the only good thing. Eucalyptus leaves provide a sense of peace and tranquility as well as healing properties. It has anti-stress, energizing and de-congestion benefits. So how should eucalyptus be hung in the shower? What are the benefits of hanging eucalyptus in the shower? If you want to benefit from coloring your bathroom, you can try the eucalyptus hanging method on the shower head, the rising trend of recent times.


Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree native to Australia but grows in most parts of the world. It is very popular and widely known and used for its medicinal properties. It has many uses from medicines to aromatherapy. It has a gum-infused bark, long stems, and circular leaves that start out super green and darken as they age. Although it is considered an evergreen plant, it sheds its leaves from time to time. The eucalyptus leaves themselves are not suitable for digestion, but can be made into a safe tea for consumption and the oil is extracted from their roots, leaves and bark. There are many ways to incorporate eucalyptus into your lifestyle. However, for today we will discuss the benefits of hanging eucalyptus in your shower.


Eucalyptus opens obstructed noses and relieves sinus headaches. This is why most shower gels and moisturizers have eucalyptus as the active ingredient. This, combined with steam from the warm running water, releases the oils from your eucalyptus bundle and relaxes your nasal passages. In this way, it clears the blockages and helps you to breathe better. Nasal congestion causes annoying sinus headaches, so with a clearer upper respiratory tract, you also relieve yourself of this discomfort. While flu season basically lasts all year, combined steam and herbal oils loosen mucus, relieve congestion and inflammation, and help you feel better in less time. However, you don’t need to have your nose blocked to hang eucalyptus in your shower. If for any reason you get sick, a shower with eucalyptus leaves will be good. In addition to being respiratory system friendly, eucalyptus will help you relieve stress! Yaaaa! The smell of oils will bring you peace even if you are not sick. This is another reason why many soothing oils contain eucalyptus. Researchers believe it reduces the activity of your nervous system – our response to stress – and increases the activity of your parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation. (healthline)


It’s easy to do. You don’t need any weird tools or tools to put the eucalyptus together. What you’re going to do is take about 2 pinches of eucalyptus. Usually they are tied at the bottom with a rubber band. I take that rubber band, tie the two tufts of eucalyptus together at the top like in the pictures, then hang this bundle over your shower head. You don’t really need any clips or anything to keep it in place.


Inspect your bunches from time to time and replace them with new bunches when they start looking untidy. The effect of eucalyptus bundles can last up to 2 months. But if it starts to smell strange or seems to be completely out of effect, replace it.


You can use eucalyptus throughout the house. You can also do this with lavender because it’s yummy and relaxing. Moreover, it makes the decoration look very pure, lively and comfortable. For a peaceful and calm environment, you can color your decoration with eucalyptus.