Advice for a beautiful and well-groomed skin

Beautiful and well-groomed skin is everyone’s dream. In fact, you should know that you don’t need cosmetic products to have beautiful skin. By adding new habits to your daily routine, you can also have a healthier appearance. The suggestions below are the kind of things anyone can do for themselves.

– Let’s consume at least 2.5 liters of water every day.

-Let us sleep between 00.00 and 04.00 every day, be careful to sleep for 6-8 hours. The most efficient sleep for our immune system and our skin is night sleep.

-Let’s exercise at least half an hour every day. Let’s keep the immune system strong; Let’s contribute to the renewal of all body and skin cells.

– Let’s eat a rich and healthy diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in protein and where we can get plenty of vitamin minerals every day.

-We clean our skin every day before going to bed using appropriate washing gel / foam and let it relax with a moisturizer.

-Even if we don’t go out every day, let’s not forget to apply our sunscreen. Our skin is affected by all the lights.

-Let’s not forget to moisturize our hands every day; Let’s apply a natural moisturizing hand mask at home, preferably at least once a week. (You can mix crushed ripe banana and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and leave it for 15 minutes.)

-Let’s meditate at least 15 minutes every day. (Being able to listen to the music that makes you happy by staying in the moment is also a meditation.)

-Let’s do ‘Oil-pulling’ with coconut oil every day in the morning without eating and drinking anything. After that, let’s spit out this oil and not swallow it.

What is oil-pulling?

1 spoon of coconut oil in the whole mouth for 20 minutes to clean the inside of the mouth from bacteria growing overnight and to help the teeth whiten.

When we apply ‘every day’ every day, it comes to regular home peeling and masks every week! While making Turkish coffee peeling on your face and body with pleasure, it will speed up the blood circulation and tighten the pores; When you combine it with sports, you will help reduce the appearance of cellulite in your body 🙂

-When washing the hair every day more than necessary, it prefers to wash it every other day, while keeping the mask prepared with “yogurt, honey, coconut oil and egg yolk” in our hair for 2 hours a week will both provide moisture balance and prevent loss.